Roof Rat Removal and Prevention Experts in New Zealand

If you find yourself grappling with a pesky roof rat infestation in New Zealand, it’s highly recommended that you enlist the services of professional trappers and removal experts. These cunning creatures, also known as black or ship rats, are one of two common rat species frequently residing near human dwellings.

While they may be smaller than their Norway rat counterparts, they are no less troublesome. Roof rats have a penchant for nesting in the upper reaches of buildings, such as roofs and attics in densely populated urban areas. Their penchant for gnawing through materials and spoiling stored food can cause significant damage and headaches for homeowners.

How Do You Spot Roof Rats?

Be vigilant for their elongated, slender bodies, pointed snouts, large ears and eyes, and soft, smooth fur that is typically brown with black spots interspersed. Their bellies vary in color from white to grey or black, and their head and body generally measure between 15.24 to 20.32 cm long. Their tails can extend up to 25.4 cm in length, roof rats will make their presence known if left unchecked.

When it comes to reproduction and lifespan, roof rats are a species that reproduce relatively quickly. These cunning creatures typically reach sexual maturity in a mere 2-5 months, after which they can give birth to litters of 6-20 babies following a gestation period lasting 20-24 days.

The young rely heavily on their mothers for nourishment and care for around 17-23 days before they can go off and fend for themselves. Roof rats have an average lifespan of one year. They can breed throughout the year, with birth rates peaking in the spring and fall seasons, depending on food availability and weather conditions.

Roof rats are known for their omnivorous eating habits and adaptability to various environments. These cunning creatures have a diverse diet, consuming everything from fruits, nuts, and cereals to meats, tree bark, and seeds. They also possess the ability to store some of their meals for later consumption.

With their exceptional climbing skills, roof rats are typically active at night and prefer living in elevated areas such as rafters, attics, trees, and rooftops. However, they can easily adapt to various environments, including structures, garages, wall voids, woodpiles, and areas filled with trash.

Detecting Roof Rat Epidemic

If you suspect that your residence has been infiltrated by roof rats, there are several indicators you can look out for to confirm your suspicions. One tell-tale sign is discovering a dead or living rodent within your property. Observing droppings scattered around your house’s various corners is another significant clue.

Roof rats leave droppings that are approximately 1.27 cm long with pointed ends. When fresh, the droppings are soft and moist but become hard and dry as time passes. Other indications of roof rat activity include gnaw marks, damaged food packaging, nests, or oily rub marks.

Roof rat eradication at Tom’s Pest Control New Zealand – A trustworthy partner

Tom’s Pest Control New Zealand is your trusted and cost-effective partner for eradicating roof rats from your property. Our team of highly skilled pest controllers will comprehensively inspect your property to locate the outbreak’s source and utilise appropriate techniques to ensure long-lasting results.

We place the safety of your home or business as our top priority. We use cutting-edge technology and safe pest control products to eliminate rodents effectively. Our team is committed to addressing your concerns quickly and resolving the issue without any delays.

With our services, you can have rodent-free property and peace of mind, knowing that your family and property are safe from harm.

Dial Us Right Away

Don’t let roof rats invade your property. Instead, contact our pest control specialists today to ensure your property remains free from infestations. Call us now to schedule an inspection and receive the best solution for your pest control needs.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Will roof rats leave on their own?

Many people wonder if these rodents will leave on their own. The answer is generally no. Roof rats are not likely to leave unless they are forced out through exclusion or trapping. This is because they are attracted to the food and shelter human structures provide. Seeking the help of a professional pest control service may also be recommended in severe cases.

Are roof rats hard to get rid of?

Roof rats can be difficult to get rid of on your own. These rodents are known for their elusive nature and ability to adapt to new surroundings quickly. Their agility allows them to climb and jump, making it hard to keep them out of homes and buildings.

Do roof rats have white bellies?

Adult Norway rats display a brownish color with scattered black strands throughout their fur. They have a greyish-white underside and a long, robust body. Their overall length, including their tail, can range from 25.4 to 30.48 cm.